Jul 5Liked by Frank Theodat, Zack Grafman

Bedford-Jones was Canadian by birth, and, as a Canadian who succeeded in the difficult American market, I have looked to his career for inspiration.

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His work ethic and attitude towards the craft certainly made an impact on me when I first discovered him. Thanks for stopping by, David.

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Aug 6Liked by Frank Theodat

Wow! All this time i never took on writing due to i felt i needed structure or a framework in order to write a story! Absolutely fantastic read !!! Thanks for this

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Thanks for reading! Structure will come naturally, especially if you've got a healthy reading habit. The key is to get out of your own way and keep at it as much as possible.

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I remember this guy. Good stuff. Had to save this one.

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Thanks for reading. Appreciate it!

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Theodat

Love this! I hate to admit but I do a fair share of pantsing with my writing. When it’s for a job like with Marvel I do have to give a pretty solid treatment to get the ball rolling…but for the most part I let the story and the characters tell me where it needs to go 😉 thanks for this post and looking forward to reading more!

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Thanks for stopping by! Personally, discovery writing is my favorite form of writing. For me, it's a freeing to create and allows little twists and surprises to arrive organically in the story. Thanks for reading.

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Theodat

Absolutely agree. The discovery process during writing is so much the magic and the high. Really appreciate what you’re doing here with pulp as it’s something we just launched with Pithy at SD Comic Con— but more focused on erotica and supernatural crime/action with some horror stories mixed in. Aiming to start printing physical books next year based on the stories and characters curated here digitally. Exciting times where we can take the power as artists into our own hands while the Hollywood studios flounder!

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Thank you. Happy to meet another pulp-minded writer! Sounds like you've got a ton of exciting projects in the works. Yes, I love the freedom independent publishing gives us. Your pipline method of "digital first -> physical" is similar to how i want to expand my own operations. The economics of it all are really exciting to me. Despite everything that is happening in the world today, I'm 1000% bullish on the future of fiction writers/artists as the new changes take hold. These are definitely exciting times.

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Theodat

Yes and now how we can find like-minded folks through platforms such as this is also a boon! It makes so much sense to aggregate digitally and monitor metrics before going to print. And it’s very helpful to have even a small audience to be able to leave reviews/comments on new releases as opposed to dropping it in the wild. Really great to connect and however we can help boost each other and grow together I’m all in!

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I just discovered this article and reposted it because it is very much needed in this day and age, where rigid walls are being used to silo writers into certain writings styles today. "You must do it this way!" is the mantra to the gong beat of all these experts who fill young writers' heads with such strict rules as "show! Don't tell!" or "no dialogue tags ever or if you must use one, only use said and asked, nothing else!" or "adverbs are sloppy writing! Describe the action!" or "don't write first person/distant third person, etc." Or "you must start right into the action! Hook the reader in the first chapter! Don't waste time on description or setting the scene! You must give us the inner monologue of the protagonist!" or "you must use the <insert favorite writing method here> to write a good story!" And so much of this is getting shoved on writers by editors these days, too. I've sat through many a writing seminar or class at a conference and walked away feeling dejected because I didn't understand what they wanted or the rules they claim were sacrosanct stifled my own voice.

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