Editor’s Note:
Happy Tuesday. James returns with a poem that is sure to inspire the heart and spirit. Though short, it is superb. I look forward to the day when he publishes a volume of his poetry.
- Frank Theodat
Earlier this week I was inspired by the words of Spurgeon:
Come fair or work come foul, my comrades, hold ye the fort. Some men attempt to excuse their own negligence by blaming the times. What have you and I to do with the times, except to serve God in them?
And I composed this short poem in reflection on them.
Come fair work or foul, friends Soldier, report! Come kind start or hard ends, Hold ye the fort. If rain fall or sun shine, Soldier, report! If sorrow or joy thine, Hold ye the fort. Should hell swarm or fall back, Soldier, report! Should hope swell or doubt wrack, Hold ye the fort. Soldier, ye have orders, what have you to do? Except to serve your captain, Christ the ever-true. Hell may swarm his banner, we shall not retreat. He has won the battle, stand up on your feet.
This is so good. Truly: good.